Whats New With McDonald’s Menu Prices?

mcdonalds-Frappe-Mocha-SmallMcDonald’s Menu Prices

For years fast food prices have been slowly climbing. The McDonalds menu prices are as affordable today, as they were when things began to take the upward spiral. Then the recession struck in or around 2007 and one of the first restaurants to extend a hand to the community was McDonalds. No surprise there. For years there has just not been enough money in most homes to afford eating out more than perhaps once a week. This is what makes the McDonalds menu prices an affordable option for many families. Seen mostly as a treat to most, you cannot argue with the fact that some of their items are amongst the best on the market.

McDonalds Menu Fries

Take the McDonalds french fries. For years upon years these fries have been the top class of all fast food, and even throw in a few sit down restaurants as well. Their blend of fries has companies like Burger King struggling to find some french fry on the market to compete with McDonalds. Again they are changing the way they make them with the new Burger King menu item “Satis-fries”. This is the second time in the last 5 years that Burger King tries their hand at beating the McDonalds menu french fries. Less calories, best flavor, not too close though.

Burgers and chicken sandwich everything with Mc in front of it. Made with great taste and cheap affordable prices. Many people do not want to associate food with cheap, but cheap in price does not have to mean cheap in quality. The McDonalds menu offers good food at affordable prices, and this is something that has not changed from the time I tasted my first Big Mac.

Prices are still a bargain on many of the weekdays around here. Monday’s see the chicken McNuggest on sale. Tuesday many of the McDonalds restaurants offer parents relief with the happy meals, I have seen them for as low as $1.99. Wednesday and Sunday hamburgers and cheeseburgers are available at mouth watering low prices. $0.59 and $0.69 respectively.